Technicolor is winding down operations

Technicolor is winding down operations

Source: The Verge Technicolor Group, the French VFX giant that owns some of Hollywood’s most in-demand post-production houses, appears to be on the brink of collapse — putting thousands of jobs at risk. Variety reports that Technicolor has begun winding down operations after failing to secure a new round of investment necessary to keep the…

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Avatar: Seven Havens is in the works at Nickelodeon

Avatar: Seven Havens is in the works at Nickelodeon

Source: The Verge Rumours about the next mainline Avatar series have been circulating ever since Nickelodeon announced that Michael DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko were returning to lead Avatar Studios. But now, we finally know a bit more about where the franchise is heading after The Legend of Korra. Today, Nickelodeon announced that the Avatar saga…

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