FCC chair says landlords can force bulk internet service on residents

FCC chair says landlords can force bulk internet service on residents

Source: The Verge The Federal Communications Commission is eliminating a Biden administration proposal that would have curbed apartment landlords’ ability to force residents into paying for a single internet service provider. As reported by Ars Technica, the new FCC chair, Brendan Carr, will instead allow landlords to implement bulk billing arrangements with ISPs that would…

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The entire story of Twitter / X under Elon Musk

The entire story of Twitter / X under Elon Musk

Source: The Verge On April 4th, 2022, we learned that Musk had purchased enough shares of Twitter to become its largest individual shareholder. Eventually, he followed up with an unsolicited offer to buy 100 percent of Twitter’s shares for $54.20 each, or about $44 billion. Twitter accepted Musk’s offer, but then things got weird because…

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China’s 10-year bond yields drop amid .4 billion debt refinancing program, more stimulus awaited | Stock Market News

China’s 10-year bond yields drop amid $1.4 billion debt refinancing program, more stimulus awaited | Stock Market News

Source: Live Mint Yield for China’s benchmark 10-year bonds have slid to their lowest in over a month after the government announced its 10 trillion yuan or $1.4 billion worth debt refinancing programme, Bloomberg reported. This mostly came as traders were disappointed with the measures and are awaiting more stimulus amid China’s wait-and-watch approach to…

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