Personal Loan: 6 key documents required if you want to apply for loan online | Mint

Personal Loan: 6 key documents required if you want to apply for loan online | Mint

Source: Live Mint Raising a personal loan is quite simple and convenient. There are a number of options which include banks, non-banking financial corporations (NBFC) and digital fintech platforms, among others. Although most banks still provide the option of raising a loan offline, the most feasible and sought-after option is to raise the loan online. The…

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Fixed Rate Personal Loans: Why could they be the future of borrowing? 4 key reasons | Mint

Fixed Rate Personal Loans: Why could they be the future of borrowing? 4 key reasons | Mint

Source: Live Mint While fixed rate personal loans, which were supposed to be exceptions to the prevailing variable-rate lending norms, gained in popularity even, this piece probes the implications to the lenders themselves, whether that shift spells potential permanence as an economy emerges with its set of interest-lowness conditions. Here we will examine how landscape…

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