Sebi issues guidelines on share transfer, ownership changes for intermediary cos | Stock Market News

Sebi issues guidelines on share transfer, ownership changes for intermediary cos | Stock Market News

Source: Live Mint The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) on Friday issued a circular outlining guidelines on the transfer and transmission of shareholding among immediate relatives and in specific types of intermediary firms, with the aim of streamlining the regulatory process and safeguarding investor interests in the securities market. The circular provides clarity…

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Is the illusion of ’free’ financial advice costing you more in the long run? | Mint

Is the illusion of ’free’ financial advice costing you more in the long run? | Mint

Source: Live Mint Recently, the capital markets regulator, Securities and Exchange Board of India, proposed changes to make it easier for individuals to become registered investment advisors (RIA) for individuals looking to get advice on their personal finances. SEBI has done this, presumably, with the objective of encouraging more professionals to seek out the RIA…

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