Credit Worthiness: What is its role in credit score and personal loan applications? Find out | Mint

Credit Worthiness: What is its role in credit score and personal loan applications? Find out | Mint

Source: Live Mint Whenever an individual applies for a credit product like a loan or a credit card, the bank evaluates whether they can approve or reject the application. Among the various eligibility criteria, an important one is to assess whether the individual will repay the credit extended. It is done by evaluating the individual’s…

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Credit Score: How is increased awareness driving financial inclusion beyond metros | Mint

Credit Score: How is increased awareness driving financial inclusion beyond metros | Mint

Source: Live Mint Imagine this – Over 119 million Indians are actively monitoring their credit scores, with a majority emerging from rural and semi-urban areas. This growing financial consciousness is not just a trend but a quiet revolution reshaping India’s economic foundation. Technology is dismantling traditional barriers to financial inclusion, and the importance of maintaining…

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