Credit card swipe charges: What they are and how they impact your wallet? | Mint

Credit card swipe charges: What they are and how they impact your wallet? | Mint

Source: Live Mint Credit card swipe charges, also termed as interchange fees. These are charges imposed on a user every time they use their credit cards for transactional purposes. These charges cover operational expenses such as fraud prevention, processing along with taking care of payment infrastructure. They are controlled and determined by card networks such…

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Budget 2025: What are the benefits of Grameen credit score for self-help groups? | Mint

Budget 2025: What are the benefits of Grameen credit score for self-help groups? | Mint

Source: Live Mint Union Budget 2025: Finance Minister of India Nirmala Sitharaman recently announced Grameen credit score scheme. This is a framework evolved to help Self Help Groups (SHGs) and the citizens in rural India. The primary responsibility of developing this scheme is going to be enshrined in the Indian public sector banking system. The details…

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