Palworld: all the latest on the viral gaming hit for Xbox and Steam

Palworld: all the latest on the viral gaming hit for Xbox and Steam

Source: The Verge

But for Palworld, it was Tuesday.

Palworld’s coming for the kneecaps of all of Steam’s most popular games. Within days of its early access launch it’s sold 6 million copies, rocketed to the top of Steam concurrent player lists, and now it can add another milestone, amassing 1.864 million players to beat Counter-Strike’s all time peak player count.

Funnily enough, Palworld’s peak player count only barely edged out Counter-Strike’s all time high by roughly 50,000 players. Impressive numbers aside, Palworld’s got a tough row to hoe if it hopes to ever beat reigning champion PUBG’s all-time player count of 3 million.

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