Check your credit card application status: Online and offline methods explained | Mint

Source: Live Mint
Credit cards have become an attractive financial tool for people to buy things and pay for them later. It also provides additional rewards and offers on certain transactions. If you are planning to get a credit card, an application is the first step in the process.
Keeping track of credit card applications is essential to know if the issuer has approved your card request. The process is straightforward and simple and may differ from bank to bank. In most cases, you can check the status of your credit card application by visiting the bank’s website, calling customer service or visiting the bank branch.
Documents required to check credit card application status
Banks may ask for certain documents and details to check your credit card status online. It includes:
How to track credit card applications online?
Most banks will ask you to follow a few steps to check the status of your application. Please note that the steps may differ from bank to bank.
Step 1: Visit the official website of the bank.
Step 2: Go to the credit cards section.
Step 3: Select track application.
Step 4: Select application status, you will be asked to provide necessary details such as application number, PAN number, contact details etc.
Step 5: After entering the details, select the enter or status tab.
Stages of credit card application
- In process: In process means that your credit card application is under review. Banks and NBFCs verify your documents and make hard inquiry on credit score to check your eligibility for the card. They decide whether to approve or decline your application during this process.
2. On hold: Banks and NBFCs can keep your credit card application on hold if the necessary documents are missing, or if the card issuer is yet to receive credit score information. In such a scenario, you must contact your bank or NBFC to get more clarity on your application.
3. Dispatched: It means that the credit card application has been approved. Banks and NBFCs send the credit card through post. You will most likely receive your credit card in three to four working days.
4. Disapproved: When a bank or NBFC rejects your credit card application, the status will show disapproval. There might be several reasons why your application can get rejected such as a low credit score, poor credit history etc. Contact your bank or NBFC to know the reason for the rejection of application.
5. No records found: When entering incorrect details such as wrong application number, mobile number etc., your credit card application will show ‘no records found’. You should reload the page and enter the correct details and submit the request.
In conclusion, a credit card application is the first step towards getting a credit card. The process to check the status of your is fairly simple, making it easier for most applicants. Hence, make sure to frequently check your application status to know whether your credit card request has been approved or declined.
(Note: Using a credit card carries its own set of risks)