Is LIC policy a good investment? Kirtan Shah’s LinkedIn post sparks debate on insurance vs investment | Mint

Is LIC policy a good investment? Kirtan Shah’s LinkedIn post sparks debate on insurance vs investment | Mint

Source: Live Mint Life insurance provides financial security to a family in the event of the unfortunate death of the policyholder. Its primary aim is to ensure financial independence for the policyholder’s family. However, some policyholders may choose a life insurance policy as an investment option. Kirtan Shah, Co-founder and CEO of FPA Edutech, an…

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Bhabishyat Credit Card for MSMEs: From features to eligibility; all you need to know | Mint

Bhabishyat Credit Card for MSMEs: From features to eligibility; all you need to know | Mint

Source: Live Mint Bhabishyatcredit card is an initiative by the government of West Bengal, which aims to fund micro and small enterprises (MSEs) towards the upgrading of their operational functions. This credit card has been launched with the collaboration of the Department of MSME & Textiles to help the entrepreneurs in getting easy credit access….

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Fixed Deposits: Safe investment or risky gamble? What you need to understand | Mint

Fixed Deposits: Safe investment or risky gamble? What you need to understand | Mint

Source: Live Mint Traditionally fixed deposits have been one of the most favourite and comfortable investment options for a large segment of Indians. Though other investment avenues like mutual funds and direct equities are gradually gaining importance, close to 15% of household savings still go into fixed deposits. Investing in fixed deposits could be mostly…

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