AMD is turning its back on flagship gaming GPUs — to chase AI first

AMD is turning its back on flagship gaming GPUs — to chase AI first

Source: The Verge

Tom’s Hardware: Price point-wise, you have leadership, but you won’t go after the flagship market?

Jack Huynh: One day, we may. But my priority right now is to build scale for AMD. Because without scale right now, I can’t get the developers. If I tell developers, ‘I’m just going for 10 percent of the market share,’ they just say, ‘Jack, I wish you well, but we have to go with Nvidia.’ So, I have to show them a plan that says, ‘Hey, we can get to 40% market share with this strategy.’ Then they say, ‘I’m with you now, Jack. Now I’ll optimize on AMD.’ Once we get that, then we can go after the top.

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